Saturday 27 October 2012

Introduction to Nakuru ....

Nakuru has a population of approximatley 300,000 people. It lies 160km to the north west of Nairobi and is the fourth largest town in Kenya.

The town is a busy commercial centre and is particularly known for its National Park and the abundance of flamingoes that surround the edges of Lake Nakuru.


  1. I trust all our prayers were answered in that you all had a good flight and arrived safely. If you are having an all day Church in the warm sunshine, think of us as it is pouring with rain here

  2. greetings from Kenya. Flight was good and arrived ahead of time. There is a reason its green over here...... we have had rain too. Today is the first day of sunshine. Simon

  3. Replies
    1. Glad to hear you are all there ok and being fed well, very important. Today is when you find out what is involved in wiring the IT suite isn't it? Will be interesting to see much is involved.
      What is the Internet connection like out there.
      Enjoy the time there.

  4. Happy 30th Birthday Fran Lots of Love Adam, Ruth, Caitlyn and Esmee x x x
