Friday 16 November 2012

Home.... Here we come.

After sitting in the car for over 4hrs we finally arrive at the airport. After checking in we look for the refreshments. Looks like Geoff has found his refreshment. We just hope he is allowed on the plane. Only 3 1/2 hours to go before we leave for our final leg of the journey. 

Four travelers returning home...

Hi all,

Just a quick post to let you know we are packed and about to head off to Nairobi on the final leg of our amazing journey. Well, actually Kellie, Geoff and Simon are off bartering for those final bargains (probably a few more wooden animals for Sarah F) before we go.

It has been a wonderful 2 weeks and we can't wait to get back and tell you all about our adventures and the amazing people we have met during our time here - and maybe show you the odd photo too!

If there is enough space left in the baggage we may even try and bring back a bit of the glorious Kenyan sunshine that we have today :)

Please pray for a good journey home and maybe even a bit of sleep on the plane

Be with you all soon,

God Bless

Fran, Geoff, Simon and Kellie

Wednesday 14 November 2012

What do you want as a title?

Hello all

Today we spent the day at the free Dundori clinic (only 100 shillings). After the shock of being designated new job roles we got down to business. Working alongside the Dundori medical team, over 70 people came through the door and were treated for a range of ailments such as malaria, worms, and typhoid. A number of cases of high blood pressure were detected and some high blood sugars. Daktari Andrews took people's blood pressure, Geoff assisted with handing out the drugs in the pharmacy with Gideon interpreting the labels. The whole day was an incredible experience and the team was pushed beyond their usual comfort zones.

From the medical centre the team moved to the church in Lanet where we were warmly welcomed and Geoff led the evening bible study on Joshua chapter one. The church currently meets on new unfinished premises and we were pleased to be able to give financial assistance to pay for the roof and a door for the toilet block. Simon and Fran attended the Sunday service at this church last week and it was a true experience to be inside and be able to look through the doorways to the outside world during worship.

Off to Thompson Falls tomorrow for a day of relaxation and fellowship before our return.
God Bless,
Geoff, Simon, Kellie and Flan.

More captions please!

More at Dundori

Dundori Medical Team (without Gideon :( )

Dundori Street Scene

Wednesday at Dundori Medical Centre

Free Health Check..... only 100 shillings


Medical Centre General View