Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tuesday in Molo ........

Phew, what a day!

Today we began by heading off to Molo and spent the day there. We visited the government hospital and were given a tour by the senior nurse of the wards. We saw a new born in the maternity ward and were quite shocked by the conditions but amazed by the care the patients received.

We went from the hospital to the church for a Bible study and I looked at Matthew 28 considering Jesus command to go and teach and we thought about what we teach people through our words and actions.

Lunch was taken at Mary and Leonard's home from where we went to see an area of land recently purchased by the church with the vision to build a secondary school. It's a great vision requiring a lot of faith!

The land, at present has sheep grazing on it and we visited Patricks home who is the shepherd and a member of Molo church. It was a deeply moving experience as he is an internally  displaced person (IDP) from the tribal clashes in 2007. He lost his home and livelihood and now lives in a very simple mud house with his family on the outskirts of Molo. He is a humble, gracious man who is clearly a leader of people and a man with respect amongst those he lives with.

Following on from this experience we drove to Egerton University where we met Lydia who was a girl from the feeding program in Molo who is now being sponsored on a teacher training degree. She comes from an incredibly difficult background as an orphan but has been given hope for the future through the work of the Molo feeding centre.

We then headed for home upon which the car broke down!!!!! Stranded in Nakuru we called a mechanic who sorted us out and got us back on the road.

As I said at the beginning Phew........ What a day.

Thank you for your prayers and interst in the blog. The work here really is challenging but we give thanks that our God is greater than the challenges we face.

Tomorrow we spend the day in Dundori on a medical camp!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you all had a busy day. It's so inspirational to hear how through difficulties these amazing people have still strived to do well and with the faith and support of people will go on to have a real future. It's very humbling to hear of the situation there and makes our problems very small. Have a great day tomorrow and keep up the good work x
