Friday 9 November 2012

Hi all

Just wanted to update you on the last (very busy! 24 hours:

Yesterday Kellie spent the day with Gideon, again seeing patients and working with the Kenyan medical team. I think they've been keeping her very busy but she seems to thrive on the chaos! She visited one of the hospitals in Nakuru (see photos ) and was shown around a private ward and maternity suite by the Ward Sister. She sends her love to all.

Simon had a very busy day at the Kamwaura school setting the foundations for their new IT Suite. I am not sure whether he is used to working with an audience of hundreds of children but they seem very interested in everything we do and all want their photo taken. Good progress was made (only stopping when it got dark) and hopefully the work can be completed today. The plan is to open the room to the parents on Monday when they come for their children's graduation (end of school term).

I had expected to be in the classes with the children yesterday however as they were preparing for their graduation ceremony they were far too busy for lessons! Instead i helped out in the IT suite with Simon patiently teaching me about wiring sockets, and hopefully helped progress some of the work that needed doing. My only regret is that instead of boots and combats i was wearing my Sunday best to try and fit in with the teachers, but instead was the most impractically dressed worker on site :)

It was a long day yesterday and today looks to be the same for Kellie and Simon, whilst Geoff and i are off the visit the new church in Njoro this afternoon for a bible study before joining Simon at the school to see the progress. In reward, we are planning to visit Nakuru National park tomorrow for a but of wildlife spotting so please pray that the lake waters have receded enough for some of the animals to be around and we can enjoy our day off.

Hope all is well back home, enjoy the pictures!
God Bless


  1. Hi Fran and thanks for finding time to post on your birthday! Hope the day turns out to be really special for you. It sounds like you are all experiencing to a new level, so I continue to pray for your time there. If it helps, the weather here is grey, overcast and decidedly chilly!

  2. Hi guys!!!
    Has been lovely to see your photos and read about how you're getting on! Will continue to pray for you, is amazing to hear how God is using all your skills and gifts in Kenya! Hope your wildlife spotting goes well! :)

  3. Happy birthday Fran!

    (P.S. are there going to be pictures of the lion you are bringing back to play the part of Aslan?)

  4. It's lovely to see the photos. I feel quite emotional Simon seeing you on your knees and working hard. You are doing a truly selfless thing and I know God will richly bless all of you.
    Keep up the hard work everyone x

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It's good to know that you're learning lots of practical skills on your holiday :D xxxxxxx
