Friday 9 November 2012

IT Suite at Kamwaura School

Installing Sockets in IT Suite

Fran's Excellent Handywork
(27 sockets later!!!)

 Simon Doing the Wiring

Laying The Electrical Conduit and Main Supply Into The IT Suite


  1. I am so looking forward to Fran coming home - her mum wants the kitchen rewired for a new cooker...

  2. No problem with taking up floorboards or tarmac. You have got on remarkably well, must be all that help and the 'electrical women', they probably got the night shift.
    Sounds like you have all been a real blessing to the projects over there and hope you are able to see some wildlife tomorrow.Love the picture of the road from Dundori.
    ps Happy Birthday Fran

  3. Great to hear of the progress; watching with great interest.
    Simon, mum is enjoying her new shower.
    Keeping you all in our prayers, I know you will be blessed as you minister to the folks over there.

  4. Did you enjoy the safari park?
