Monday 12 November 2012

Latest Installment ..........

Dear all can't believe time is going so quickly. Friday was a busy day for us all, Simon finished off the work on the IT suite at Kamwura, I was working with Gideon in the health clinic and he showed me round the goverment clinic, which is a whole different story, I now know how Flo felt at Scutari. The most important thing about Friday was it was Frans 30th birthday, which she celebrated with lunch out and a lovely cake from Daniel & Fenny.

What a day we all had Saturday, off on Safari in a borrowed car with a park guide in the boot who made the day. I think the photographs tell the story of how amazing it was and i have never had a picnic in such a beautiful setting. Highlight of the day was being so close to a pride of lions who were a bit busy as you can see and not bothered about us at all.

On Sunday Simon & Fran went to Lanet church where Simon delivered his first sermon ever, move over Geoff pastor Simon is on his way. Myself  & Geoff went to Molo which was a long drive but it was well worth the journey, Leonard & Mary say hello to all that know them. We all had a Sunday afternoon  snooze except Fran who had an appointment with her book.

Today we have had the privilege of being guests of honour at Kamwaura school. There was a real sense of excitement in the school from both pupils and proud parents.The school is in the top 30% in the area and is growing .Vice chancellor Geoff  awarded all the certificates to the graduates, Fran presented gifts to all the staff and we were all surprised to be given gifts and certificates as well. The day culminated in Simon cutting the ribbon to open the IT suite.

Best wishes
Kellie, Fran  Simon & vice Chancellor Geoff.

1 comment:

  1. So it will seem that you will all have different jobs when you return, Fran the elctrician, Geoff the Vice Chancellor of the University, Kellie the Midwife and Simon our new preacher. You have all been a true blessing to those out there and really looking forward to hearing about all your adventures and seeing the rest of the amazing photos.
