Thursday 8 November 2012

Thursday .....

Hi Folks,

Firstly, apologies for the plethora of typos in yesterday's post. That's what comes from rushing your blog entries! Can't promise that today will be any better but we can but try!

Yesterday, Kellie spent the day working with Gideon in the Dundori clinic and then she went to Nakuru to work with his private clinic. Kellie, I'm sure has some interesting stories to tell. There is an abundance of typhoid and malaria in the region that she has been dealing with. Please pray for her that she will be able to use her experience to encourage the staff and treat patients. We have arranged some visits to the local hospitals and government health clinics so she gets as wide a perspective as possible on health care in Kenya.

Simon, Fran and myself spent the morning in Nakuru buying electrical equipment so Simon could fit out the IT suite in the school. We then drove to Kamwaura and dropped it all off at the school. Simon starts the electrical work today and has two men helping him. We hope to finish by Monday so please pray about that as the deadline is quite tight.

After we had been back to the school Fran, Simon and I went to Molo to see the work there. We went via Leonard's daughters graduation from nursery. It was wonderful to see the proud parents and the children dressed up in their graduation gowns. It was a special time and a privilege to be a part of it.

Finally we had a mad dash down a Kenyan highway (!) to Lanet church where I led a bible study and ministered to the church. We have been asked back next Wednesday and so have shifted our arrangements slightly so we can visit the Lanet Church again.

Simon and Fran have both gone off to the school today and will be working there. Simon with the electrics and Fran with the children. N.B not electric women or children!!!

Today Kellie is hoping to do some home visits with a local health worker and I shall be meeting with local Pastors to discuss the coming elections and the plans to emphasise peace in the nation.

We are having an incredibly educational time here in Kenya, we are learning lots and feel that God is really at work through the local churches in this region of Kenya and in our own lives.

We are all eating too much of Fennih's food and are fearful that our shape may change by the time we return to UK. We are being looked after incredibly well and are grateful of the Kenyan hospitality.

We miss you all and really appreciate the comments on the blog, text messages and the odd phone calls. Please keep in touch.

Geoff, Simon, Fran, Kellie.


  1. Wonderful photos and video - it's great to see all that is going on. Sounds like you are incredibly busy!!!

    1. Hi to our 4 in Kenya. I tried adding a comment yesterday but didn't have a 'profile' to select (no jokes about my face please!!). Dave Watt has helped me, so with a new Google+ account you will hopefully get this. So, if anyone else is struggling like me to follow Geoff's encouragement to just 'add a comment' - there is help out there (end of today's sermon!).
      Great to get the pictures with today's news - someone is burning the midnight oil. Special to see where you are. You really are God's provision for these tasks at this time.
      Greetings to Daniel, and thanks to him and Fennih for looking after you all so well while you are away from us.

  2. Hello all, Great to see some fab photos - one of you Geoff now please?!!!

    All missng you here. Eddie says, hope you see lots of Lions - Im not so sure I echo that!!!


    1. It's better that Geoff sees lots of lions than lots of lions see Geoff...

  3. Great to see you in a photo today Kellie, brought much amusement to the children and another holiday hat!!! I am sure the clinics present a challenge and typhoid and malaria are of course endemic in sub Saharan Africa the shame is they are so easily eradicated. I am sure you will bring back many experiences that will make you stronger as a person, nurse and christian miss and love you lots

  4. Sounds like you are having a great time! Can't wait to see you soon!

  5. Happy Birthday Fran! Have a great day. Love you loads, Mum

  6. Thanks Mum! nice to know it's not forgotten even though i'm not around today :)
    Having a more relaxing day than the others today which is nice although slightly worried at Kellie's threat to sing happy birthday later on. Would have thought she had had enough after the hokey-cokey in the school this week :)
    Love to all
    Fran x

  7. Hi Folks,
    Not seen any lions yet but we are keeping an eye out for them!
    John, thanks for the post it'd really encouraging getting messages from friends back home and its good to hear how you are finding the blog and pictures.
    Liz, can you tell David Celtic are all over the Kenyan press this morning because the scorer of their first goal happens to be Kenyan!
    Sarah, I have a horrible feeling that today may see some photos of me on the blog ....... watch this space!
