Sunday 4 November 2012

Plans for Monday

Hi Folks,

Everything going well out here. Fennih and Daniel are looking after us very well. Kenya has changed a lot since I was last here in 2007. The roads ore significantly better and there has been a lot of investment in  building and general infrastructure.

The people are really friendly and it was great to be with the church in Dundori yesterday. Lively and vibrant would  be an understatement!!

Today we are off to Kamwaura to visit the school and meet the children and staff. We've brought some equipment for the school including pens, pencils, books footballs etc!

Nakuru has had a lot of rain and the lake in the national park is seriously full to the extent that the flamingos are no longer around the shore and have flown to Bogoria in the north.

Tomorrow we head off to Dundori to visit the medical center where Kellie will be spending most of her time working with staff and patients.

Hope you are all well back home.

Please feel free to add comments to the blog it's great to be able to here from our friends and family back home.

Be good,



  1. Glad you all arrived safely and all is well. What a wonderful photo you have posted of the Zebra's. Hope all has gone well today - and hope Kellie enjoys the time at the health centre - I am sure she will be a real blessing to them!

  2. Great to hear all your news, hope you have a good day at the medical centre tomorrow. Sarah x P.S. fireworks in castle park were amazing again tonight!

  3. Hope you have all had a good day - hope the electrical women are proving useful Simon! Robots maybe? Hope you are able to finish the job by Monday - quite a challenge I guess
    Mr B thought Geoff would like to know that Tranmere beat Hartepool this evening 2-0, and Celtic beat Barcelona!
    Hope Kellie has enjoyed her day in the health centre - feel sure it is very different from clinics here but confident she will be a real blessing to them.
    Bless you all heaps
    Liz and David

  4. 2-0 to Tranmere fantastic. I'm surprised a result as major as that hasn't been on kenyan tv!
