Tuesday 6 November 2012


Hi folks,
Sorry for the lack of posts we didn't have access to t'internet for the last couple of days and today we are struggling to get photos up so I'm afraid it's text only today.
Monday we had a great time inKamwaura visiting the school. It has grown significantly since I was here in 2007. Over 200 pupils working hard and being incredibly well behaved.
School starts at 7am and finishes at 5pm! Poor teachers!!!

Simon has disappeared to buy a load of electrical women's and tomorrow he starts wiring up the new computer suite at the school. He has a deadline of Monday to have it finished by and has been given two men to work with.

Yesterday we visited the medical centre and Kellie has gone up to Dundori today to work with Gideon in the clinic. Kellie sends her love to Raymond and says sory she's not had chance to add her own message.
The yesterday the clinic was quite quiet butbKellie worked with Gideon with some

Daniel and Fennieh are looking after us very well and they are very caring towards us.

Yesterday I spoke at a bible study in Dundori and today am leading a lunchtime meeting and an evening bible study in Molo and Lanet.



  1. It is nice to get a mention and I am sure Kellies extensive experience will be tested in clinical practice. I am more intrigued by electrical women's and wondered what they will do in a school?? Some typos just open the door sorry! look forward to better internet connections and photos to tell a wonderful story for you all.

  2. Maybe electrical women's is a local name for something? I have been in electrical engineering for years and it is a new one on me - I can't even think of an approximate typo... Still, grand to hear you are all being usefully employed - Fran is a dab hand at cabling ;)


  3. Perhaps Simon is missing the woman who lights up his life?

  4. keep the jokes/puns coming please folks!!
