Friday 16 November 2012

Home.... Here we come.

After sitting in the car for over 4hrs we finally arrive at the airport. After checking in we look for the refreshments. Looks like Geoff has found his refreshment. We just hope he is allowed on the plane. Only 3 1/2 hours to go before we leave for our final leg of the journey. 

Four travelers returning home...

Hi all,

Just a quick post to let you know we are packed and about to head off to Nairobi on the final leg of our amazing journey. Well, actually Kellie, Geoff and Simon are off bartering for those final bargains (probably a few more wooden animals for Sarah F) before we go.

It has been a wonderful 2 weeks and we can't wait to get back and tell you all about our adventures and the amazing people we have met during our time here - and maybe show you the odd photo too!

If there is enough space left in the baggage we may even try and bring back a bit of the glorious Kenyan sunshine that we have today :)

Please pray for a good journey home and maybe even a bit of sleep on the plane

Be with you all soon,

God Bless

Fran, Geoff, Simon and Kellie

Wednesday 14 November 2012

What do you want as a title?

Hello all

Today we spent the day at the free Dundori clinic (only 100 shillings). After the shock of being designated new job roles we got down to business. Working alongside the Dundori medical team, over 70 people came through the door and were treated for a range of ailments such as malaria, worms, and typhoid. A number of cases of high blood pressure were detected and some high blood sugars. Daktari Andrews took people's blood pressure, Geoff assisted with handing out the drugs in the pharmacy with Gideon interpreting the labels. The whole day was an incredible experience and the team was pushed beyond their usual comfort zones.

From the medical centre the team moved to the church in Lanet where we were warmly welcomed and Geoff led the evening bible study on Joshua chapter one. The church currently meets on new unfinished premises and we were pleased to be able to give financial assistance to pay for the roof and a door for the toilet block. Simon and Fran attended the Sunday service at this church last week and it was a true experience to be inside and be able to look through the doorways to the outside world during worship.

Off to Thompson Falls tomorrow for a day of relaxation and fellowship before our return.
God Bless,
Geoff, Simon, Kellie and Flan.

More captions please!

More at Dundori

Dundori Medical Team (without Gideon :( )

Dundori Street Scene

Wednesday at Dundori Medical Centre

Free Health Check..... only 100 shillings


Medical Centre General View

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tuesday in Molo

Kellie and the matron at the Molo Hospital

At Leonard and Mary's home.

Tuesday in Molo ........

Phew, what a day!

Today we began by heading off to Molo and spent the day there. We visited the government hospital and were given a tour by the senior nurse of the wards. We saw a new born in the maternity ward and were quite shocked by the conditions but amazed by the care the patients received.

We went from the hospital to the church for a Bible study and I looked at Matthew 28 considering Jesus command to go and teach and we thought about what we teach people through our words and actions.

Lunch was taken at Mary and Leonard's home from where we went to see an area of land recently purchased by the church with the vision to build a secondary school. It's a great vision requiring a lot of faith!

The land, at present has sheep grazing on it and we visited Patricks home who is the shepherd and a member of Molo church. It was a deeply moving experience as he is an internally  displaced person (IDP) from the tribal clashes in 2007. He lost his home and livelihood and now lives in a very simple mud house with his family on the outskirts of Molo. He is a humble, gracious man who is clearly a leader of people and a man with respect amongst those he lives with.

Following on from this experience we drove to Egerton University where we met Lydia who was a girl from the feeding program in Molo who is now being sponsored on a teacher training degree. She comes from an incredibly difficult background as an orphan but has been given hope for the future through the work of the Molo feeding centre.

We then headed for home upon which the car broke down!!!!! Stranded in Nakuru we called a mechanic who sorted us out and got us back on the road.

As I said at the beginning Phew........ What a day.

Thank you for your prayers and interst in the blog. The work here really is challenging but we give thanks that our God is greater than the challenges we face.

Tomorrow we spend the day in Dundori on a medical camp!

Monday 12 November 2012


We welcome your captions for the above photo :)

Prayer points

Please pray for the following:

- Give thanks for safety so far, please continue to pray for ongoing safety.
- Give thanks for Daniel and Fenniehs hospitality.
- Pray for the rest of the week, that we make the most of our time out here and don't wish the days away as we think of home.
- Pray that we will be able to digest all we have seen and communicate it in an effective way when we get home.

Latest Installment ..........

Dear all can't believe time is going so quickly. Friday was a busy day for us all, Simon finished off the work on the IT suite at Kamwura, I was working with Gideon in the health clinic and he showed me round the goverment clinic, which is a whole different story, I now know how Flo felt at Scutari. The most important thing about Friday was it was Frans 30th birthday, which she celebrated with lunch out and a lovely cake from Daniel & Fenny.

What a day we all had Saturday, off on Safari in a borrowed car with a park guide in the boot who made the day. I think the photographs tell the story of how amazing it was and i have never had a picnic in such a beautiful setting. Highlight of the day was being so close to a pride of lions who were a bit busy as you can see and not bothered about us at all.

On Sunday Simon & Fran went to Lanet church where Simon delivered his first sermon ever, move over Geoff pastor Simon is on his way. Myself  & Geoff went to Molo which was a long drive but it was well worth the journey, Leonard & Mary say hello to all that know them. We all had a Sunday afternoon  snooze except Fran who had an appointment with her book.

Today we have had the privilege of being guests of honour at Kamwaura school. There was a real sense of excitement in the school from both pupils and proud parents.The school is in the top 30% in the area and is growing .Vice chancellor Geoff  awarded all the certificates to the graduates, Fran presented gifts to all the staff and we were all surprised to be given gifts and certificates as well. The day culminated in Simon cutting the ribbon to open the IT suite.

Best wishes
Kellie, Fran  Simon & vice Chancellor Geoff.

Kamwaura School Graduation Ceremony

Headmaster with Vice Chancellor of Kamwaura School!

We are marching in the light of God,

Opening of the new IT Suite

Parents in the new IT Suite.

On Safari

View From Baboon Cliff

Captions Please .....

At The Waterfall

Local Wildlife

Here's looking at you 

Flan's Birthday ......

Happy Birthday to you ..........

Friday 9 November 2012

Hi all

Just wanted to update you on the last (very busy! 24 hours:

Yesterday Kellie spent the day with Gideon, again seeing patients and working with the Kenyan medical team. I think they've been keeping her very busy but she seems to thrive on the chaos! She visited one of the hospitals in Nakuru (see photos ) and was shown around a private ward and maternity suite by the Ward Sister. She sends her love to all.

Simon had a very busy day at the Kamwaura school setting the foundations for their new IT Suite. I am not sure whether he is used to working with an audience of hundreds of children but they seem very interested in everything we do and all want their photo taken. Good progress was made (only stopping when it got dark) and hopefully the work can be completed today. The plan is to open the room to the parents on Monday when they come for their children's graduation (end of school term).

I had expected to be in the classes with the children yesterday however as they were preparing for their graduation ceremony they were far too busy for lessons! Instead i helped out in the IT suite with Simon patiently teaching me about wiring sockets, and hopefully helped progress some of the work that needed doing. My only regret is that instead of boots and combats i was wearing my Sunday best to try and fit in with the teachers, but instead was the most impractically dressed worker on site :)

It was a long day yesterday and today looks to be the same for Kellie and Simon, whilst Geoff and i are off the visit the new church in Njoro this afternoon for a bible study before joining Simon at the school to see the progress. In reward, we are planning to visit Nakuru National park tomorrow for a but of wildlife spotting so please pray that the lake waters have receded enough for some of the animals to be around and we can enjoy our day off.

Hope all is well back home, enjoy the pictures!
God Bless

General Scenes

Road From Dundori To Lanet

Geoff Leading Bible Study At Lanet Church

IT Suite at Kamwaura School

Installing Sockets in IT Suite

Fran's Excellent Handywork
(27 sockets later!!!)

 Simon Doing the Wiring

Laying The Electrical Conduit and Main Supply Into The IT Suite

Kamwaura School

Children Keen to Learn ....

Geoff Playing With the Children

Teaching Michael The Headmaster To Play Piggy In The Middle With A Frisbee

Medical Pictures

Nakuru Hospital

Kellie With Midwife in Nakuru Maternity Ward

Delivery Suite at Dundori Medical Centre

Thursday 8 November 2012

Thursday .....

Hi Folks,

Firstly, apologies for the plethora of typos in yesterday's post. That's what comes from rushing your blog entries! Can't promise that today will be any better but we can but try!

Yesterday, Kellie spent the day working with Gideon in the Dundori clinic and then she went to Nakuru to work with his private clinic. Kellie, I'm sure has some interesting stories to tell. There is an abundance of typhoid and malaria in the region that she has been dealing with. Please pray for her that she will be able to use her experience to encourage the staff and treat patients. We have arranged some visits to the local hospitals and government health clinics so she gets as wide a perspective as possible on health care in Kenya.

Simon, Fran and myself spent the morning in Nakuru buying electrical equipment so Simon could fit out the IT suite in the school. We then drove to Kamwaura and dropped it all off at the school. Simon starts the electrical work today and has two men helping him. We hope to finish by Monday so please pray about that as the deadline is quite tight.

After we had been back to the school Fran, Simon and I went to Molo to see the work there. We went via Leonard's daughters graduation from nursery. It was wonderful to see the proud parents and the children dressed up in their graduation gowns. It was a special time and a privilege to be a part of it.

Finally we had a mad dash down a Kenyan highway (!) to Lanet church where I led a bible study and ministered to the church. We have been asked back next Wednesday and so have shifted our arrangements slightly so we can visit the Lanet Church again.

Simon and Fran have both gone off to the school today and will be working there. Simon with the electrics and Fran with the children. N.B not electric women or children!!!

Today Kellie is hoping to do some home visits with a local health worker and I shall be meeting with local Pastors to discuss the coming elections and the plans to emphasise peace in the nation.

We are having an incredibly educational time here in Kenya, we are learning lots and feel that God is really at work through the local churches in this region of Kenya and in our own lives.

We are all eating too much of Fennih's food and are fearful that our shape may change by the time we return to UK. We are being looked after incredibly well and are grateful of the Kenyan hospitality.

We miss you all and really appreciate the comments on the blog, text messages and the odd phone calls. Please keep in touch.

Geoff, Simon, Fran, Kellie.


Molo Feeding Centre hatch

Molo Kitchen. Now fully functional and operative during the school holidays.

                       Simon capturing the local hoody on camera!

Leonard, Mary and Praise

More From Kamwaura School

 The Children learn the Oki Kokey!

Simon surveys the electrical requirements in the new IT block at the school.


The Dundori Medical Centre

Fran and Kellie negotiate the local roads in Dundori.

Dundori street scene.

Kamwaura School

The new well at the Kamwaura School

Fran being mobbed by local school children

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Tuesday 6 November 2012


Hi folks,
Sorry for the lack of posts we didn't have access to t'internet for the last couple of days and today we are struggling to get photos up so I'm afraid it's text only today.
Monday we had a great time inKamwaura visiting the school. It has grown significantly since I was here in 2007. Over 200 pupils working hard and being incredibly well behaved.
School starts at 7am and finishes at 5pm! Poor teachers!!!

Simon has disappeared to buy a load of electrical women's and tomorrow he starts wiring up the new computer suite at the school. He has a deadline of Monday to have it finished by and has been given two men to work with.

Yesterday we visited the medical centre and Kellie has gone up to Dundori today to work with Gideon in the clinic. Kellie sends her love to Raymond and says sory she's not had chance to add her own message.
The yesterday the clinic was quite quiet butbKellie worked with Gideon with some

Daniel and Fennieh are looking after us very well and they are very caring towards us.

Yesterday I spoke at a bible study in Dundori and today am leading a lunchtime meeting and an evening bible study in Molo and Lanet.


Sunday 4 November 2012

The roadside wildlife!

Here we have a couple of pictures for you all. The first is the rift valley from the road to Nakuru and the second is the church in Dundori. We hope to continue to add more during our stay. Watch this space ......

Plans for Monday

Hi Folks,

Everything going well out here. Fennih and Daniel are looking after us very well. Kenya has changed a lot since I was last here in 2007. The roads ore significantly better and there has been a lot of investment in  building and general infrastructure.

The people are really friendly and it was great to be with the church in Dundori yesterday. Lively and vibrant would  be an understatement!!

Today we are off to Kamwaura to visit the school and meet the children and staff. We've brought some equipment for the school including pens, pencils, books footballs etc!

Nakuru has had a lot of rain and the lake in the national park is seriously full to the extent that the flamingos are no longer around the shore and have flown to Bogoria in the north.

Tomorrow we head off to Dundori to visit the medical center where Kellie will be spending most of her time working with staff and patients.

Hope you are all well back home.

Please feel free to add comments to the blog it's great to be able to here from our friends and family back home.

Be good,

Hello all!

We arrived safely in Nakuru on Saturday and have been welcomed by everyone we have met. Even though we were quite tired after our flight, we couldn't sleep on our Matatu journey to Nakuru because of all the amazing sights including the Great Rift Valley (a personal favourite) and all the wildlife around. We visited Dundori Church yesterday and joined them for their lively service of worship and praise for all that is good. Many people came forward to offer their thanks for what God has given them which was very inspiring and moving. Our hosts have been taking great care of us, providing for all our needs - especially in feeding us well!

God Bless, Fran

Saturday 27 October 2012

Introduction to Nakuru ....

Nakuru has a population of approximatley 300,000 people. It lies 160km to the north west of Nairobi and is the fourth largest town in Kenya.

The town is a busy commercial centre and is particularly known for its National Park and the abundance of flamingoes that surround the edges of Lake Nakuru.

Molo Feeding Program

The Church in Molo has recognised a significant need in the local community to feed and educate local children who are either living on the street or have significant relational issues at home. With this in mind, over the years it has sort to feed and provide basic education opportunities for those young people who may be falling through the cracks of society.

Led by Pastor Leonard and his wife Mary the Church in Molo is seeking to feed significant numbers of children in the town and in the surrounding rural area. They have built a kitchen facility at the back of the church to assist them in fulfilling their calling to reach out to the vulnerable and poor.